2019 Fall Front Porch
It’s that time of year again! The trees are vibrant with beautiful fall colors, the temperature has dropped, our favorite fall scents and flavors can be found everywhere, and everything just seems prettier and cozier. Fall is one of my favorite times of year. If it weren’t for enjoying the warmth of summer, since we live in Michigan where it’s cold for a much longer period of time than it is warm, I’d probably say fall is my favorite.
One of the fun traditions I picked up on a couple years ago was decorating the front porch for the season. Of course, we always carved pumpkins every year to display on the front porch, but I began putting more effort into my fall porch decor and I found that I really enjoyed decorating for this particular season. I love decorating with natural elements, and autumn offers an abundance of beautiful options to choose from. Between the pumpkins, gourds, and squash to the fall flowers like mums, the hay bails, the cornstalks, apples, fall foliage, dried flowers, and more, there are so many gorgeous natural elements you can use to decorate for the fall season.

Because I knew my decor would be competing against our yellow siding and light blue door, I tried to keep my color scheme more subtle this year, creating a pretty layering of fall finds including: pumpkins, squash, mums, and a few buckets, pots, and other props we happened to have on hand.

I knew my color scheme would be more subtle, so I made a wreath using a neutral set of fall florals for the front door.

Something new this past week is that our front porch got a makeover! Teddy painted and stained it and I couldn’t love it more! I plan to do a separate post on that when we finish up a couple other things, but I wanted to share a little peek at it anyways.

One of my sweet littles wanted to model it for me! <3 And she did a beautiful job!

I had a lot of fun pulling together this fall front porch setup, but I won’t bore you with too many details. 😉 The pictures pretty much say it all anyways. Leave a comment if you have any questions!

Thanks for visiting our front porch, and as always, the blog. Have a blessed rest of your week, friends. <3