Thanksgiving Dining Room
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope that you all are spending time with loved ones and making memories today, so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
This last week hasn’t gone as expected and so many things that I planned to share got pushed to the back burner. This last Saturday we unexpectedly lost my beloved grandmother and it has made us all really step back and reevaluate life and family time. We are missing a few dear loved ones this holiday season, and although I am sad, I am focusing on the blessing they all were on our lives, the time that we had them here on Earth, and the beautiful memories with them we will forever cherish. I am so thankful for a God that loves me, all of our friends and family, a beautiful life of memories, a happy home to raise our children in, and so so much more. We have a lot to be thankful for, and I love that Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday and Christmas season really make us count our blessings.
So with that, I’ll leave you with the photos of our Thanksgiving dining room, the first reveal of our dining room. I’ll share links for what I can in the dining room soon. I wish you all a happy happy Thanksgiving! Make some memories and cherish your time with loved ones! <3